The Music Ministry of Rosemary Baptist Church honors our Lord Jesus Christ through a variety of musical forms. We worship through hymns, original pieces, solos, duets, small groups, congregational singing, and instrumentalists. Our music is for the glory of God and reflects our commitment to Him and His word.
There are several opportunities for you to participate in the music program. Whether you like to sing or play, we have a place for you. From the hymns of old to contemporary songs, our music enhances the worship experience for all who gather with us. We would love to have you join us.
The Chancel Choir meets on Wednesday nights at 7:00pm in the Choir room located behind the Sanctuary. They sing each Sunday during Worship, and offer special musical cantatas throughout the year. This is a volunteer group dedicated to praising God and leading in worship through song. All are welcome to join at any time.
The Rosemary Ringers handbell choir meets on Monday nights at 6:30pm. We meet in the Handbell Room upstairs in room 213 of the White-Hurst Wing.
If you would like to play handbells, please contact the Director of Music, Debbie Blackwelder, through the church office.
A knowledge of music is helpful, but not a requirement. We’ll teach you all you need to know as we learn together. We play during worship services and at special events throughout the year.